US News Report #5: Bolton, Chafee... and Rumsfeld - the aftermaths of the Mid-Term Elections
So here we are in a kinda new America, looking forward to a new direction, as the Dems used to say...A collateral bouc émissaire seems to be the US ambassador at the UN, John Bolton. Remember? We had a post about him and how his position was taken between several partisan interests (see "US Everyday Report #1: Elections in Rhode Island", posted in French).
Here is an article from "Le Monde": John Bolton fragilisé à l'ONU par la défaite républicaine, explaining the consequences of this Democrat victory on the US representation at the UN.
Another well-known collateral "victim": Donald H. Rumsfeld, the Defense Secretary, who as everyone knows has resigned the day after the elections, when it turned out that the Dems won the House.
Apparently these breaking news did not strike everyone: as the "New York Times" reported today, Marines get the news from an Iraqi Host: Rumsfeld's out. Who's Rumsfeld?, one of them asked...
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